Sunday, September 10, 2017

Baxter Black: Coyote Cowboy Observations

-There's always time to pet your dog.

-If a feller doesn't trim his own horse's feet, he's got too many horses or not enough time.

-Some people do what they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be.

-If the reader can't understand what the poet is tryin' to say, it's not the reader's fault.

-Sometimes gentle pressure is better than jerkin' as hard as you can. Kinda like pickin' up a bull's nose.

-I like a woman that smells like barbecue sauce.

-Some say, "You are what you eat." I say, "You are where you walk. Wipe your feet."

-The only thing I can't do in excess is moderation.

-It's hard bein' a cowboy. If a man gets run over by a truck he gets sympathy. If he gets run over by a horse, they laugh.

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