Friday, September 29, 2017

Idaho’s Labrador warns of possible ‘miscarriage of justice’ in Bundy prosecutions

In a letter earlier this month, U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador warned of “a strong possibility that a miscarriage of justice is being committed” in the prosecutions of Idaho men for their role in a 2014 standoff. The Idaho Republican’s letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions followed a similar letter in late August in which Idaho lawmakers asked Sessions to halt or ease back on the cases against Ammon Bundy, of Emmett; Eric Parker, of Hailey; Scott Drexler, of Challis; and Todd Engel, of Boundary County. More than 50 current and former members of the Idaho Legislature have added their names to the most recent version of the Aug. 29 letter provided to the Statesman. They include 46 members of the House and Senate from across the state, all Republicans — closing in on half of the Legislature’s membership. The letter’s lead author was Rep. Dorothy Moon, R-Stanley. Bundy, Drexler, Engel and Parker were among nearly 20 defendants arrested in early 2016 as part of a nationwide roundup regarding the armed standoff against federal law enforcement officers that took place in April 2014 around Bunkerville, Nev. The federal officials had tried rounding up cattle that belonged to rancher Cliven Bundy, who had refused for years to pay grazing fees...more

The letters referred to are embedded below:

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