Sunday, October 01, 2017

Baxter Black: Political Correctness

It's coming! Political Correctness in the Animal Kingdom! I have conferred with those fervent homogenizers of the once colorful and descriptive English language to formulate the following list:

STRAY DOG. Both words are unacceptable. They imply that a four legged mongrel is subsisting as a vagrant. We have chosen the term Misdirected Wagamorph.

MUSTANG. Definitely out! Associated too much with a greedy automotive corporation. We are going to protect them into extinction. They shall henceforth be called Adoptable Equine Derivatives.

KILLER WHALES. Need I say more! The name suggests that these beautiful creatures would rather kill and eat living things than down a Kelp Burger in the shape of a baby seal. We're calling them the Masked Cetacea.

FAT STEERS. Entirely out. No slur shall be made about the weight or their sexual predicament. Each cattle buyer will now deal in Ready Edibles. No, that won't work either, can't mention bulls. How 'bout Ripened Ruminants.

...But if we truly worried about the Political Correctness fad, what are we gonna call a cowboy? A two-Legged Ungulate Overperson? Why not.

"Git along little Disenfranchised Mobile Nurture Seeker." 

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