Monday, October 02, 2017

Conservation groups will get advance notice of wolf kills

Conservation groups that sued the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife say they’ve reached an agreement with the agency to get enough advance notice about wolf kill orders to seek legal action to stop them. A department official says the agency hasn’t lost the ability to take action. In a press release, the Center for Biological Diversity and Cascadia Wildlands said the department will provide the groups 48 hours notice, including one business day, before killing problem wolves. According to the press release, the agreement allows “time for pursuit of a temporary restraining order to stop any killing.” Donny Martorello, wolf policy lead for WDFW, said attorneys for the agency and for the conservation groups essentially reached an agreement on scheduling for potential preliminary injunctions if needed. They did not reach agreements on any merits of the case, he said. Under the scheduling agreement, the groups are not seeking a preliminary injunction at this point, Martorello said...more

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