Saturday, November 04, 2017

Days before trial, defense confirms FBI had surveillance camera outside Bundy Ranch

More than three years after the 2014 Bundy standoff with federal officers near Bunkerville and after two trials in the case, testimony elicited in court Friday revealed for the first time that the FBI had one surveillance camera perched on a hill overlooking the Bundy Ranch. A large TV screen set up in the federal officers' makeshift compound carried a live feed from the images, National Park Service ranger Mary Hinson testified. Her testimony came during questioning by defendant Ryan Bundy in a pretrial hearing held in federal court in Nevada.On Aug. 22, Ryan Bundy had filed a motion, asking the court to compel the government to provide discovery "regarding photographic and laser equipment used to surveil the Bundy home and American People who peacefully assembled'' between March 26, 2014, and April 12, 2014. He asked for the make and model of any such equipment used, as he had found nothing in discovery provided to the defense that referenced the "mysterious device'' overlooking the Bundy home. On Friday, based on the first confirmation that an FBI camera was perched on a hill outside the Bundy home, U.S. District Judge Gloria M. Navarro said she would allow the defense to file a new motion. "We have to find out if a video of that live feed exists,'' said Cliven Bundy's lawyer, Bret O. Whipple. Whipple had asked for the case to be dismissed or delayed at least 30 days because of the new information. He questioned why the government didn't share information about the surveillance camera since the standoff and through two previous trials. He argued that defendants shouldn't be penalized because the acknowledgement of a surveillance camera wasn't disclosed by prosecutors. "It's just kind of outrageous,'' Whipple said. "How can you sit on this information for 31/2 years?''...more

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