Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Udall having second thoughts on vote for Zinke

WASHINGTON – Sen. Tom Udall seems to be having second thoughts about his vote to confirm Ryan Zinke as interior secretary earlier this year. The New Mexico Democrat said Wednesday that Zinke, a former U.S. representative from Montana, misrepresented himself during his confirmation hearing and in meetings with him before the vote. Udall made the remarks in a logocall with reporters to discuss his opposition to oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. “He represented, both in the committee when he testified and represented himself to me personally, as a Teddy Roosevelt Republican, so I’m very disappointed about how he’s performed,” Udall said of Zinke. “I thought that the best thing to do in terms of working with him after those representations was to show good faith and vote for him. “That’s water under the bridge. I’m moving forward, and we’re going to try to hold him accountable on the things he’s said.”...more

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