Wednesday, January 03, 2018

A note to readers

An old injury/problem with my right wrist and hand has resurfaced. I can't use the mouse with my right hand. Using the left, but that is the side where the ms has done the most damage.

I used to hit from both sides of the plate in baseball and could shoot the roundball with either hand, but this is proving to be a far different challenge. This may result in fewer posts and more errors. We shall see where it goes from here.


Anonymous said...

Sorry.....hard not to get aggravated when the sum total is aggravating. soapweed

Anonymous said...

I will be happy to read what ever you are able to post. One of the few places where we can post and also get the truth about what is happening in the neighborhood.
Sorry about your problem getting worse. Maybe a voice actuated device might help?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your wrists Frank - I don't know how you do it - even with two good wrists...since the Malheur acquittal I now have a growth on my wrist.

As far as the old injury - a racetrack remedy might help - Animalintex.

I used it on my injured elbow at the track after my saddle slipped at a gallop.

Very painful & I couldn't bend it - so I put the Animalintex on - moistened it first with hot water, let cool to 100 degrees, then wrapped it around elbow with ace bandage.

Next morning the elbow felt like brand new - couldn't tell I injured it.

I saw it pull an abcess out of a hoof that the hoof testers couldn't detect.'ll even draw the truth out of a politician.

Found at feedstores & online.