Thursday, January 25, 2018

Outside Magazine - Bundy Faces a Fate Worse Than Prison: Irrelevance

Jake Bullinger

Cliven Bundy’s newfound freedom has cost him the most legitimate pulpit he ever possessed. For more than two years, he had been held on charges stemming from a 2014 standoff with federal officials over his refusal to pay grazing fees to the Bureau of Land Management. In that time, he commanded supporters on Facebook, Fox News, and conservative talk radio. Then, earlier this month, Nevada U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro tossed out the scofflaw rancher’s case, seemingly ending the saga. Speaking with reporters after he walked free, Bundy seemed to yearn for the trial that could have been. The Nevada rancher has hired a lawyer and reportedly will file a lawsuit that would ask the judge to determine who, exactly, owns the land Bundy has been grazing his cattle on...Exhibit A is Bundy’s attorney, Larry Klayman, who has made a name for himself by chasing conspiratorial lawsuits. He has sued both Bill and Hillary Clinton for matters related to sex scandals and the Benghazi attack...more

There is one quote in this article that is very interesting. Some of us have wondered why a judge with liberal proclivities and who had ruled against the Bundys on just about every motion, would suddenly declare a mistrial and then drop the charges with prejudice? One couldn't help but wonder if there might be a cover up as part of this, that some information was being withheld from the public. Here's what Cliven Bundy says: 
“Judge Navarro, she did the government a very big favor,” Bundy said, adding that “there were a lot of things she covered up and protected from coming to the media and the people. If we go back to court, it’ll all come out.”
The staff of the House Resources Committee was briefed by the BLM yesterday on issues surrounding this event. Is the Committee going to have access to all the documents, including those that have not been made public? My recommendations to Congress are at the bottom of this post.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need to make sure this does not become irrelevant.

As glad as I was to see the case dismissed with prejudice, I really think it would be better to let the government finish painting themselves into a corner...

And like I stated before, no cameras in the courtroom is not only a missed opportunity for justice... but also for record popcorn sales with the record-setting audience watching the Barney Fife and his
Keystone Cops conduct a three ring circus.