Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Rancher trains cattle to form groups against wolf attacks

Over the past six years, Coats has been studying and implementing new ways of preventing cattle deaths by predators, including wolves, coyotes and mountain lions. He has been working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on creating a predator awareness program he believes can successfully reduce or eliminate predation deaths. “What they need is the individualized chase,” where a wolf or wolves isolate a cow or calf from the herd, then chase, immobilize and eat the animal, which is often still alive. “We’re trying to interrupt that. That is the key.” The key, he believes, is training cattle to gather in herds when threatened by wolves or other potential killers. Coats began researching wolf and cattle behavior six years ago when OR-7, then a lone male gray wolf that for several years was electronically tracked after it left the Imnaha Pack in northeast Oregon in 2007, passed through his lands near the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge along the Oregon-California state line. During his wanderings in Southern Oregon and Northern California, OR-7 eventually found a breeding female. The pack has grown and includes OR-7’s grandchildren. “My phone was ringing off the hook, because I was the cattlemen’s president,” remembers Coats, who served as the Siskiyou County Cattlemen’s Association president for three years, of what spurred his interest. “I started doing a lot of research on what cattlemen can do.” He said studies indicate wolves do not attack groups of livestock, choosing instead to chase individual animals. According to Coats, previous studies showed that wolves will leave if livestock remain still and in groups. While he is focused on cattle, he said the group-and-stand theory applies to other livestock. “We always saw losses to coyotes, but since we’ve worked with this program we haven’t had any losses to mammals.” “Training can last several months or, if done intensely, seven to 10 days,” he said. “And it continually needs to be tuned up. The cow must understand it is its decision to return to the herd. A key is training them to stand and not run or flee.”..more


Anonymous said...

After reading it seems a hell of a lot easier to SSS from a labor perspective. They can't all be collared can they? Hope it works well for him. Seems exactly contrary to the gentle herd mentality with the dogs for ease of singling out/sorting in open pasture that works well here with minimal predators. Also, my addition of a foul attitude mule has minimized coyote losses along with a healthy dose of mange management.
Mange management for wolves seems to be the easier offensive answer, as plague is to prairie dogs.
Hmmmmm, thusly ebola for politicians?????

Anonymous said...

"SSS"...??? What government agency has exclusive immunity to that practice...?

...Soros Sponsored Sharpshooters? ...embedded in the Bureau of Leach Moochers?

Frank DuBois said...

For those not schooled in the scientific terms for resource management, SSS stands for shoot, shovel and shut up...or at least I thought it did. Now I see it may stand for Soros Sponsored Sharpshooters! LOL

Anonymous said...

This is like working with the devil, and it doesn't help a lone cow who's off calving somwhere.