Friday, February 09, 2018

U.S. Forest Service to allow exploratory drilling near Mount St. Helens

The U.S. Forest Service gave authorization for a Canadian company to conduct exploratory drilling to create a hard--rock mine near Mount St. Helens. But it's just a step in the process for the permits filed by Ascot USA, Inc. U.S. Forest Service Cowlitz Valley District Ranger Gar Abbas signed off on the decision with specific conditions on Thursday. t's now up to the Bureau of Land Management to decide whether to issue the prospecting permits and approve the exploration plans. Before the plans go to BLM, the Forest Service has to give consent. The company wants to drill to collect mineral samples like copper, gold, molybdenum and silver, according to a local lawmaker. The Forest Service found that no significant impact would come from the project and gave consent...more

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