Tuesday, March 06, 2018

As Attacks on the 2nd Amendment Increase, Look What’s Happened At The NRA

America, both your First and Second Amendment Constitutional rights are under assault by the liberal “news” media and the media’s junior partners, the liberal social media scene. But as these two evil agents seek to end your God-given rights to free speech and to protect yourself, one organization is growing; new memberships in the National Rifle Association are soaring. First the good news: Since the latest left-wing onslaught against our right to bear arms began in the aftermath of the crime at a Parkland, Florida, high school, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has had an “onslaught” of its own with an avalanche of new paid members. According to a recent piece by the Daily Mail, Google searches for “NRA membership” rose 4,900 percent since the crime in Parkland. That rise happened despite the pressure against the NRA brought to bear by the Democrats, the media, and Hollywood celebrities. The NRA does not report its exact membership preferring only to give general numbers. In the recent past the civil rights group claimed to have about five million members. However, in the wake of the Parkland shooting, one NRA official recently noted that it will soon be breaking the 15 million member mark, Time magazine reported...more

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