Wednesday, March 28, 2018

NBC/WSJ poll shocker: Majority of Americans say owning a gun increases safety

Ed Morrissey

Well, maybe NBC will be shocked to learn that 58% of Americans believe gun ownership increases safety. The rest of will wonder what the other 42% might be thinking:

Nearly six-in-10 Americans say that gun ownership increases safety, even as a plurality of respondents support gun-control organizations, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. …
In the poll, 58 percent agree with the statement that gun ownership does more to increase safety by allowing law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.
By contrast, 38 percent say that gun ownership reduces safety by giving too many people access to firearms, increasing the chances for accidental misuse.
 Not only do a majority of Americans think that gun ownership increases safety, that number has been growing. Nineteen years ago, 52% said the opposite. That suggests that the media hysteria surrounding firearms — including its general ignorance in reporting on them — may have actually backfired.

The partisan breakdown on these numbers is … interesting:
The numbers also highlight a stark divide by party, with 89 percent of Republicans and 65 percent of independents saying gun ownership increases safety, versus just 28 percent of Democrats who agree.

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