Sunday, April 01, 2018

Lee Pitts: The Backyard Conservancy

Attention wealthy widows, leftover 1960 hippies, greedy multi-national corporations with a guilt complex and other politically correct people with too much time and money on their hands…
First of all a word of congratulations on helping us lock up the entire western United States. Thanks to your efforts all the forests and grasslands will now be managed by the same people who brought you the EPA, IRS, BLM and the Congress of these United States.
Just because we have locked up and shut down the entire western part of our great country doesn't mean we have put an end to the trashing of our planet. It has come to our attention that environmental destruction on a monumental scale is occurring right in our own backyards. Yes, our own backyards. We cannot continue to let this happen so we have joined together several for-profit lawyers masquerading as environmental groups to form The Backyard Conservancy. Members of this organization shall henceforth be known as NIMBY's (Not In My BackYard) and the goal shall be to buy up all the backyards in this country that are now privately owned. After all, we can no longer permit private citizens to own their backyards.
Why should backyards be any different than ranch lands, farm ground or forests? And shouldn't urban dwellers be forced, coerced and strong-armed into living by the same set of absurd rules as farmers and ranchers are? I'm sure all those city dudes who complain about how everything ranchers, farmers, loggers, roustabouts and miners do is ruining the world will be more than happy to contribute their own backyards to the cause.
A few long-haired, communist professors at liberal eastern universities who we've funded with billions in grant money have come to the conclusion that deforestation practices such as clipping hedges, mowing lawns and trimming trees may be destroying the ozone layer. They have estimated that the smoke created by toxic backyard chicken barbecues alone will destroy the earth's ozone layer in just 400 million zillion years.
Were you aware that in watering their lawns alone urban Americans are wasting enough water to feed the world's hungry? And for what, so that they can have green grass! We NIMBY's like grass as well as anybody (maybe more) but it is our goal to buy up all the backyards and replant them in real grass. The kind we can smoke.
 Many groups are now responding to our urgent call....

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