Thursday, April 05, 2018

Mexico Says U.S. Troops On Border Won’t Be Armed

The Mexican foreign ministry says U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has told Mexico’s top diplomat that U.S. National Guard troops being deployed to the border “will not carry arms or carry out migration or customs control activities.” Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray is in Washington on a visit. A foreign ministry statement issued Wednesday night says Nielsen told Videgaray that the troops will only be providing support for Department of Homeland Security work. It says the deployment will be similar to ones in 2006 under President George Bush and in 2010 with President Barack Obama...MORE


Anonymous said...

Now the lib's will make the border a gun free zone! I had hoped the President would say that anyone Illegally crossing the border would be shot. That's what other countries do. What's wrong with us. We are putting our soldiers in jeopardy and making a mockery of their ability to defend themselves. Just watch some of the communists on the Mexican side of the border open fire on our soldiers, and then laugh as they try to hide from the bullets. What a stupid mistake. Tons of opioids are moving across our border every day, thousands of illegals are crossing our border every day all of it sponsored by the Demoncrats. Fire all of those in the administration who think this is a good idea to have our soldiers provide themselves as targets. No guns or bullets for soldiers? Who is running this country?

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY Anonymous...............common sense is very uncommon nowdays.