Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sweet Sharon & The Egg with Eyes

Sweet Sharon went out to her Chicken McMansion this morning to feed her chickens and gather eggs. She had gathered the eggs, when, even though its kinda dark in there with no lights, she noticed an egg down low. She bent over and reached for the egg…but stopped, as she wondered, “Why is that egg staring back at me?” Turns out the egg was in the mouth of a bull snake.

After considering her options for, I don’t know, maybe half a second, she decided to just let the damned ol’ snake have the egg. I surmise this was not good for Sweet Sharon’s blood pressure.

The whole episode must have affected the snake too. When Sharon went out later the snake was gone, but the egg was left there.

That wise old snake figured out what I learned a long time ago: You don’t mess with Sharon or her things!

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