Sunday, June 17, 2018

Baxter Black: I Know You’ll Miss This Man

The Lord spoke to the heavy hearts that stood with hats in hand
"Your sadness pains me deeply and I know you'll miss this man

But, it's true what you've been hearing, Heaven is a real place.
That's no small consolation. You should use that fact to face

The emptiness his parting left that seeps into your bones
And draw on it to ease your pain. For he is not alone.

You see, all his friends are up here and all his loved ones, too,
'Cause it wouldn't be a heaven without each one of you.

And heaven for a cowboy is just what you might expect,
It's horses that need tunin' up and heifers that need checked.

It's long rides with a purpose and a code that lights the way
And a satisfying reason to get up every day.

It's the ranch he's always dreamed of and never knew he'd find
And if you think about it, you can see it in your mind.

Him, leanin' in the saddle with his ol' hat on his head,
Contentment set upon his face like blankets on a bed.

The leather creaks a little as he shifts there in the seat.
The bit chains give a jingle when his pony switches feet.

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