Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Federal Watchdog Opens Case File On Zinke’s ‘Make America Great Again’ Socks

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, an internal federal watchdog group, has opened a case file into whether Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke violated a campaign law that prohibits government employees from engaging in politics when he tweeted a photo of himself wearing “Make America Great Again” socks. The case file, which is not the same as an investigation, was opened after a complaint from the government watchdog group Campaign for Accountability, accordinng to CNN. Office of Special Counsel spokesman Zachary Kurz told Newsweek by email that he can “confirm that OSC received the complaint and has opened a case file. However, I’m unable to comment on or confirm whether an investigation has been opened.”...MORE

He has already deleted the photo, apologized and replaced it with:

1 comment:

soapweed said...
