Sunday, July 29, 2018

Retired Marine Rescues Horses from Raging California Wildfire

Tucker Zimmerman has gotten little sleep during the raging deadly fire in Shasta County, California. The retired U.S. Marine has rushed into a new battle, as a volunteer rescuing stranded horses and other livestock. "I'm just the guy who moves stuff around," he said modestly. The "stuff" he speaks of refers to the panicked horses and other livestock he wrangles out of harm's way when they get left behind after the humans have fled. With a large trailer borrowed from his job selling tractor equipment, Zimmerman has ventured daily into various evacuation zones just as homeowners threatened by the Carr Fire were rushing in the other direction. On Saturday, he had just delivered to safety five horses he managed to capture in one newly evacuated area, before receiving a call to pick up others nearby. The horses were being taken to stables, rodeo grounds and ranches whose owners have opened their property to the steady stream of livestock rescued by Zimmerman since Wednesday...MORE

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