Sunday, October 21, 2018

Cowgirl Sass & Savvy (revisited)

Young Buttons

by Julie Carter

There is very little more exciting to a youngster at the ranch than branding time. It represents a coming of age for them as they work their way up the ranks through skill-appropriate jobs in the branding pen.

Spencer was 11 and had been to every branding since he was big enough to walk. However, this year was different. This was the first time he'd be allowed to spend the night in camp down on the river with the other hands.

As a special treat Jim, the boss, allowed Spencer to invite two friends who looked to be about the right size for flanking calves. One was another ranch kid, the other a town kid who aspired to one day be a cowboy.

Allen, the camp cook, had gathered up plenty of firewood, good groceries and all that he needed to feed the crew supper and a big breakfast.

After supper, the requisite campfire tales were told while the boys listened wide-eyed. When the adults drifted off to sleep, they decided to do a little exploring, run a bit and play awhile. This required keeping the campfire going.

This went on well into the night and until wee hours of the morning. The excited young "buttons" decided there was no need to sleep now, so they just kept the fire going while they swapped more tales, waiting for their big day to get underway.

When Jim came down to join the hands for breakfast, the cook was mad, which is never a good thing under any circumstances. Everybody was standing around with saddled horses, but nothing was happening about breakfast. When Allen calmed down enough to speak, he reported there was no firewood so there was no food.

Telling him it was not a problem, Jim said they would go gather the first pasture to give him some time and then be back later to eat.

Jim instructed the boys to go with him and they followed along thinking this was their big opening to go with the boss. Jim was riding a colt that needed some miles, so he took the outside circle, dropping off cowboys along the way. Three sleepy young punchers continued to follow behind the boss.

When they got to the pens with the cattle, everybody ate and the work started. The boys were assigned to the flanking crew as two ropers drug calves to the branding fire in a rapid procession. The young buttons didn't have any time to think about much else except the next calf coming at them.

By noon the first pasture was worked, momma cows and babies paired back up and turned out. Jim sent everybody except the boys to the cook's wagon to eat. The boys were told to gather firewood, then eat last. Just as they hit the wagon to eat, Jim was ready to gather the second pasture and said, "You boys come with me."

The second pasture was the same routine. The boys got to perfect their flanking and another chance to gather more firewood.

Late in the afternoon after the third pasture was gathered, worked, flanked and a little more wood gathered, the neighbors and hands that had come to help drifted off toward home.

Jim told the boys to gather just a little more firewood in case they needed to brand again some day. Lesson learned, Spencer knew better than to object and the other ranch kid was in robot mode. The city kid decided to become a lawyer.

The good news is that for the next 20 years, no one would have to gather any more firewood to cook breakfast.

Cowboying is tough work - being a "young button" can sometimes be tougher.

© Julie Carter 2007

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