Thursday, October 25, 2018

Montana Governor sues AG over land easements

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock made a good decision for Montana landowners on Monday when he sued Attorney General Tim Fox in the Montana Supreme Court asking the high court to overturn an attorney general opinion that blocks closure on pending conservation easement projects with Montana landowners. In a press release, Bullock said, “Attorney General Tim Fox’s opinion is wrong on the law and wrong for Montana’s tradition of conservation and public access.” He said Fox’s opinion jeopardizes the rights of private property owners to do what they choose with their ranchland, and sportsmen and sportswomen across the state who rely on the Habitat Montana program for hunting access. Bullock said a swift decision from the state’s high court is needed to make sure that three Habitat Montana projects — that have already received approval from the Fish and Wildlife Commission — meet deadlines in November and December and are not allowed to expire. These three easements will provide public access to 18,000 acres of pristine Montana ranchland, Bullock said. Bullock is asking the Supreme Court to find that the Montana State Land Board — a five-member board made up of the governor (a Democrat), the attorney general, secretary of state, auditor and superintendent of public instruction (Republicans) — does not have statutory authority to approve or deny FWP conservation easements...MORE

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