Saturday, November 03, 2018

$1 Billion Effort Launched to Protect 30% of the Planet by 2030

If you follow environmental news, every day it seems like the world is getting worse. One landmark study found that animals are going extinct 1,000 times faster than their natural rate because of human influence and habitat loss. To help fight back against these worrying trends, Swiss billionaire and conservationist Hansjörg Wyss will be donating $1 billion over the next 10 years through his Wyss Foundation. In a New York Times op-ed published Wednesday, Wyss wrote that the natural world is best conserved as public national parks, wildlife refuges and marine reserves, "forever open for everyone to experience and explore." Scientists have concluded that at least 50 percent of the planet needs to be protected in order to save a large majority of plant and wildlife species from extinction. However, as Wyss noted, only 15 percent of the planet's lands and 7 percent of the oceans have been protected in a natural state...MORE


Anonymous said...

A real tragedy that folks will not deal with reality. They want to deal with the hope that "this time it will be different" that increasing public lands with result in improvements in our natural world.........rather the reality of the damage caused for eons by "public lands management".

Dave Skinner said...

I was wondering when Wyss's other deluded shoe would drop. Wildlands Project has just gone mainstream. God help us.