Sunday, November 11, 2018

Baxter Black: Grandpa Tommy Saved The World

We were watching The History Channel at Grandma's casita. It was a story about the USS Enterprise being attacked. It was 1945. They were describing acts of heroism that occurred. Stories of men risking their lives, staying with wounded comrades instead of swimming to safety. Stories that never made the paper or were recognized but were remembered only by those brave souls who dog-paddled in the waves next to a burning ship 3 miles above the sea floor.

It was one of those moments where my son and I were engrossed. I said, "Isn't it funny, the only person in this house who really understands what we're watching, is asleep in his chair." Grandpa Tommy. Kansas farm boy, Junior Petty Officer on a rebuilt WWI destroyer, 3 years, 3 months, 21 days operating as troop ship on the Pacific ocean, docking only twice in ports other than atoll island landings.

Now asleep in his chair, 89 years old. He has no scrapbook of his service, no contact with those of his caliber who went through the cauldron of war, no medals or pins commemorating his contribution. The only souvenir I'm aware of is his "coconut knife" US Navy issue, which he gave to his grandson. When the subject of war comes up his light-hearted response is, "I saved the world."

It's his joke. It comes and goes so quickly. The subject changes and the opportunity to ponder his answer disappears. Which is unfortunate, because he, and countless thousands of others did save the world. Anyone who doubts that Germany and Japan had intentions of conquering us all, is deluding themself. Seldom has freedom and slavery or good and evil been so clearly defined. But at the time America reluctantly joined the Allied Forces in 1942, it was not so clear; there were many doubters.

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