Thursday, November 29, 2018

PETA Teams with actress Alicia Silverstone: Brings Animatronic Cow to Schools

Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone, and the animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), are teaming up to spread a message that people should not consume dairy. "The duo is working to bring Carly, a life-sized animatronic cow, to classrooms across the country to “teach” students about the negative impacts of the dairy industry", according to an article written by Romper. Silverstone, a longtime vegan who has starred in movies such as Clueless and the 1997 Batman & Robin, serves as the voice behind Carly, an animatronic cow who “escaped from a dairy farm and now lives at an animal sanctuary.” Making her way through elementary school classrooms, Carly speaks to students, teachers and parents to spread her message about the consequences of consuming dairy. This puppet also promotes PETA's opinion about what life on a farm is like for a dairy cow.. "On the dairy farm, my babies were taken away from me when they were just a day or two old so that my milk could be sold in stores instead of given to them," Carly says. "I still think about my babies every day, and I miss them soooo much."...MORE


Anonymous said...

No idea how in the hell......this is happening.........have school boards and administrators gone nuts?

wee said...

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