Monday, November 12, 2018

The Guardian goes after Zinke

First there is The Zinke effect: how the US interior department became a tool of industry witch is a 3,000 word diatribe against every thing Zinke has done since stepping into the office and then this op-ed Ryan Zinke and the environment: a tragedy in three acts written by a rep of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Regular readers of this blog know  I'm not a huge fan of Zinke, but this stuff is really over the top and really wreaks of jumping on a man when he is down. If you are curious of how the enviro-left is seeking to hasten Zinke's demise, just take a gander at the two items above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Union of Concerned Scientists are a dog whistle for the demoncrats. Nothing these scientists do or say makes sense or ever will. Pay no attention to them. The left is crying about Zinke and that means he is going his job. Write and call your senator, rep or whoever is political and support him against these lies.