Thursday, November 15, 2018

Trump’s nominee to head National Park Service views climate change as a priority, not a hoax

Raymond David Vela, President Trump’s nominee to be director of the U.S. National Park Service (NPS), mentioned climate change on Thursday as he read from prepared remarks during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Hearing a Trump nominee cite climate change as an issue that must be tackled is a rare, if not unheard of, occurrence. Vela emphasized that national parks must remain a vibrant part of American society and that addressing climate change will be key to strengthening the parks system.“As we embark upon a second century of service, we must make ourselves relevant to current and future generations while building a diverse population of conservation stewards and workforce,” Vela told the senators. “From tackling the effects of climate change to addressing the visitor experience, future generations will be impacted by the decisions and actions that we take today.” During the hearing, Vela also emphasized the importance of Congress ensuring adequate funding for the National Park Service, which is part of the Department of the Interior. The agency currently suffers from a major maintenance backlog that has caused significant deterioration in parks across the nation. According to researchers, climate change could make national parks across the United States drier and hotter than other parts of the country. A new study published in September examined the impacts of global warming on all 417 areas included in the national parks system — from parks and monuments to battlefields and historic sites...MORE

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