Friday, November 16, 2018

VIDEO -Working like a dog: Stock dogs gaining popularity thanks to trainers like the Vermettes

Jolie Vermette stands on the small hill in the family pasture, whistle between her lips. She makes a series of sounds: Long whistles, short whistles, all at a different pitch. Most humans will have no idea what she is trying to say through the noise she is making. But Kero does. As Vermette whistles, the four-year-old border collie dashes back and forth around a small group of cattle, driving them toward his master. He takes them right past Vermette without her having to step out of the way. She sends the dog further up the hill, the cattle rarely getting out of step. It’s all in a day’s work for a stock dog. After a short training session, where they are joined by one of Kero’s sons, Jock, the elder dog lies down in the training pen at Ranch Dog Inc., which Vermette runs with her husband Marcel near Outlook. Kero’s tired, but he’s not lying down for a rest; he’s awaiting his next command, craving more work, never taking his eyes off Jolie until he finally relents and goes for a drink of water. “They’ll work themselves to death for you,” Marcel says of the breed...MORE

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