Thursday, December 20, 2018

Chris Matthews: Donald Trump may resign to protect ‘next dominoes to fall’ — Ivanka, Donald Jr.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews signed off Monday’s edition of “Hardball” by suggesting President Trump could resign in the “coming weeks” as part of a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller to protect his children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, from facing indictments. “The president’s children stand right in the line of Mueller’s investigative progress,” Mr. Matthews said. “They stand as the next dominoes to fall. “But therein lies the problem: Where earlier Mueller subjects have given Trump up, these two lack the option to do that,” he continued. “They can hardly testify against their father, which brings the country to the reckoning. If the prosecutor will not be stopped and the kids will not fall to him, we see the president’s adult children heading to prison. “But what if the prosecutor were to offer the president an alternative?” he asked. “What if he were to say he would let the children walk if the old man does the same? … That would mean giving up the presidency in the exchange for acquittals all around ― not just for himself, but for all his kids.” Mr. Matthews said the president may have to follow the lead of President Richard Nixon’s twice-elected Vice President Spiro Agnew, who resigned in 1973 after pleading no contest to tax evasion. “So let’s watch the probable events of the coming weeks bring all this to a breaking point,” Mr. Matthews said. “It is going to be historic.”...MORE

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