Saturday, December 08, 2018

EPA to roll back protections in rewrite of Obama-era water rule

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to unveil a new proposal that would roll back major federal protections for thousands of U.S. waterways and wetlands. The Trump administration is expected to rewrite a major national water rule imposed by former President Obama in 2015, The Associated Press reported Saturday. The outlet obtained a set of White House talking points for the proposed new water rule, which indicate that the Trump administration is stripping federal protections for waterways. The White House talking points reportedly argue that the "previous administration’s 2015 rule wasn’t about water quality," according to the AP. “It was about power - power in the hands of the federal government over farmers, developers, and landowners,” the statement indicates. Trump signed an executive order last year aimed at overhauling the Obama-era Clean Water Rule, which deals with what waterways are protected under the EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The Hill has reached out to the EPA for comment. Jan Goldman-Carter, senior director of wetlands and water resources at the National Wildlife Federation, told the AP that about 60 percent of the stream miles in the continental U.S. and would no longer be protected. The proposed rollback would also strip protection for half of the U.S. wetlands, Goldman-Carter said. She called it an “an unprecedented rollback of Clean Water Act protections.”...MORE

The AP story linked to is headlined Landmark environmental protections being rolled back 

Notice how so-called "objective" journalists use language to bias the reader, We constantly see the term roll-back.   We are going backwards instead of forward. A more accurate phrase would be remove intrusions. Instead of or in addition to environmental protections should appear protections for the property owner. Both articles use stripped, not removed or revised, but stripped of protections, No mention of property owners having been stripped of landmark property rights or of  rights being restored.

I see this every day and it ticks me off. What words or phrases do you see in stories that inpart this bias? Please share them.


Note the following headline

 Trump’s Attack on the Clean Water Act Will Fuel Destructive Pipeline Boom

That's another favorite word, "attack". Any attempt to revise, update or bring balance to an environmental program or regulation is an "attack".

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