Monday, December 17, 2018

House Dems eye quick action on guns in new Congress

House Democrats are planning to move several high-profile bills to combat gun violence soon after they take power in January, underscoring their belief that the political landscape has shifted dramatically on an issue that's plagued American society for decades. With backing from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and key chairmen, Democrats will move to require federal background checks on all gun sales, part of a broader effort by the party to advance long-stalled gun control measures. While the proposal won't get through the Republican-run Senate, much less become law, getting through the House will be a win for the gun-control movement, which has little to cheer about since President Donald Trump was sworn into office. Rep. Mike Thompson (Calif.) — head of a Democratic “gun violence prevention task force” that will have more than 140 members next year — says he’ll introduce the universal background checks bill early next year. “It will be strong legislation to expand background checks, and I will have a very respectful show of [co-sponors],” Thompson said in an interview. “I think you will see it happen in the first 100 days.” “The new Democratic majority will act boldly and decisively to pass commonsense, life-saving background checks that are overwhelmingly supported by the American people,” Pelosi said in a statement...MORE

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