Monday, February 04, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez Begins to Sketch Out Details of ‘Green New Deal’

Environmental legislation dubbed a “Green New Deal” and championed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has drawn widespread attention -- despite the fact that no one really knows for sure what it is. Now, as Ocasio-Cortez prepares to release a blueprint, details are emerging. “Next week, we plan to release a resolution that outlines the scope and scale of the Green New Deal,” according to a letter the New York Democrat sent to colleagues. “In it, we call for a national, social, industrial and economic mobilization at a scale not seen since World War II.” Goals laid out in the letter include reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions “through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers,” creating millions of “good, high-wage jobs” while ensuring prosperity and economic security for all, and investment in infrastructure and industry. The resolution will also call for clean air and water, climate resiliency, healthy food, access to nature and “a sustainable environment for all for generations to come,” according to the letter. Lastly, the Green New Deal will “promote justice and equity by preventing current and repairing historic oppression to frontline and vulnerable communities.” She said the goals will be accomplished through a 10-year plan of industrial and infrastructure projects...MORE

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