Saturday, March 23, 2019

Residents in world’s most violent city are buying stolen US-Mexico border wire for protection, report says

Steel razor wire installed by American troops and Border Patrol officials to deter migrants from crossing into the country illegally from Mexico is now being stolen and sold to people looking to protect themselves in what is said to be the most dangerous city in the world. Officials in Tijuana reported this week that around 15 to 20 people have been arrested there for allegedly removing concertina wire from the U.S.-Mexico border fence and setting it up around their own homes. “The people arrested were mainly Mexican [citizens], and most were people who have been deported from the United States, and people who have problems with drug addiction and live mostly on the street,” Reynaldo González Mora, a Tijuana border official, told the San Diego Union-Tribune. Tijuana’s secretary of public safety also said to the newspaper that thieves are taking the wire at night and then are pawning it off to residents who want to beef up their home security. The wire he added, is more distinctive than anything found in the city’s hardware stores...MORE

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