Saturday, April 06, 2019

Homeowners win battle to have noisy wind turbines taken down

Jazz Shaw

Earlier this week the press was having a field day with some of President Trump’s complaints about noise from wind turbines. The fact checkers were busily tracking down expert opinions to ruffle the President’s feathers over it. And while the idea that wind turbine noise causes cancer is certainly dubious at best, that doesn’t mean that the thumping of the turbines isn’t causing problems. Here’s one case in point from last winter that might shed some light on the question. Out in Iowa, three massive wind turbines were torn down after a judge ordered them to be removed. The plaintiffs in the case were homeowners who lived next to the site and said the noise was simply intolerable.
Developers who invested $11 million to install three wind turbines in eastern Iowa are tearing them down, after losing a legal battle waged by nearby residents.
It’s only the second time nationally a judge has ordered wind turbines to be torn down and a first in Iowa.
“It’s great. We love it,” said Cheyney Hershey, whose young family lives near the turbines. “You can’t sit outside on the deck and have a conversation without the constant thumping of the blades going round.”
The noise can even be heard inside his home, Hershey said: “There was nowhere to get away from them.”
As noted above, nobody in the neighborhood came down with cancer (that I know of) but they were being driven batty by the noise. And it’s a low enough frequency that it vibrates nearby structures, causing noise inside of the neighbors’ houses. And it never stops.

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