Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Meat Industry Lobbyist Eric Bohl Found Impossible Whopper 95% Beef Accurate

“I’ve tasted it with my own mouth, and this fake meat is ready for prime time.”

Director of Missouri farm Bureau tried the Burger King’s Impossible (vegan) Whopper that is plant-based, alongside the original beef-based counterpart. And according to him, based on what he tasted, “these plant-based “burgers” are here to stay.
According to Eric Bohl, the new shift of innovations in the plant-based burger patties are ‘fundamentally different’ than that were earlier. He said until now, plant-based products like burger patties primarily marketed themselves as a health-conscious alternative to beef-based ones and barely any products even tried to mimic the look, feel, taste and taste of beef. All those products tried to be the best version of themselves. On contrary to this, he said, Impossible Foods have deliberately taken the ‘different route.’

“If I didn’t know what I was eating, I would have no idea it was not beef.”

“Unlike many predecessors, the company is not hoping to guilt or shame consumers into buying an inferior product on moral grounds. Its goal is to make a patty indistinguishable from animal-based meat,” said Eric Bohl, after he barely found any distinction between the two burgers, despite the Impossible Whopper being 100% plant-derived.

“If farmers and ranchers think we can mock and dismiss these products as a passing fad, we’re kidding ourselves,” Bohl said after sampling the two burgers that he purchased for a side by side comparison. He said the plant-based Whopper isn’t any random product or ‘another disgusting tofu burger’ that only a dedicated hippie could convince himself to eat. Instead “it’s 95 percent of the way there” and the recipe will only get better with time. 


1 comment:

Paul D. Butler said...

The modern Farm Bureau is an insurance company first and an ag avocate last. AND they have always tended to advocate more for crop farmers. Thus this clown fits right in as crop farmers provide some of the ingredients in this type of lab slime........just add chemical, antibiotics, genetically altered crap and more processing........viola.........Lab slime patties.