Wednesday, May 29, 2019

More than 2,200 migrants apprehended in El Paso Border Patrol sector on Memorial Day

Border Patrol agents were busy taking into custody more than 2,200 migrants who entered the U.S. illegally. Officials said Memorial Day was the busiest recent day of enforcement activity for El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents during the ongoing influx. The 2,200 apprehensions included two large groups and many smaller ones. They said the busy day began in the bootheel of New Mexico with a large group of more than 200 migrants taken into custody at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico around 2 a.m. A second group was one of the largest in the El Paso sector thus far with over 430 people, said officials. This group crossed the border just west of Bowie High School at around 7 a.m. By the end of the day, the El Paso Sector agents had apprehended over 2,200 undocumented aliens with 1,850 of those being taken into custody in the geographic area between Executive Boulevard and Midway Street in El Paso...MORE

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