Friday, May 31, 2019

USDA staffers quit, refuse to relocate from the Washington swamp (Operation Rawhide a Success!)

Two small agencies within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) may be moving outside of Washington, D.C. and the federal employees involved are not happy about that. Both agencies are seeing an increase of resignations on a monthly basis. ERS employees are members of the American Federation of Government Employees. They only just joined the union earlier this month. Employees at ERS voted 138 to 4 to unionize. NIFA workers will hold a vote in June. Union representative Peter Winch said the move doesn’t make sense and the government workers don’t want to move. So far, six employees have quit their jobs with ERS this month. That number may sound small, relatively speaking, but it is enough to cause alarm from observers...MORE

There is no "alarm" by this observer, just praise for Perdue.
See Operation Rawhide and Operation Rawhide #2.
Head'em up and Move'em Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate Secretary Of Agriculture.