Sunday, June 02, 2019

Baxter Black: Training New Neighbors

In rural America, farmers and “rural lifestylers” are often neighbors. Seeking a place to better raise their children, to retire in peace, or to escape the continuing anxiety of the city, they move to the country and build a house on a 2-acre plot.
A wire fence separates them from a grass pasture or corn field. As the ‘stylers grow accustomed to the habits and chores around the neighboring farm, they sometimes can be helpful. But unfortunately, their efforts can sometimes turn awry!
Last spring Sofia and Brett (names have been changes to protect the stylers) noticed that one of Farmer Larry’s little two-day old calf’s umbilical cord was still attached! They were very concerned, knowing the calf wouldn’t survive without their help! Should they try to call Farmer Larry? Would the calf’s innards fall out? Would he bleed to death? Is this an emergency? They agreed it was!
They climbed under the fence and hurried into Larry’s pasture, picked the calf up, drug him under the fence and took him home to their garage for safe keeping until Larry could be notified.
They called the Sheriff’s office.

Are they guilty of calfnapping?  Read entire column.

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