Monday, June 17, 2019

Mexico Releases The Details Of Its Immigration Deal With Trump

The Mexican government released the details of the side agreement it made with the Trump administration, pledging to take on additional measures to stop the flow of illegal immigrants reaching the U.S. border. Details of the side agreement come after the White House and Mexico City reached a sweeping immigration deal on June 7. In return for the U.S. not imposing 5% tariffs on all Mexican products, the Mexican government will deploy up to 6,000 National Guard troops to its southern border with Guatemala, and allow more U.S. asylum seekers to stay within the country...
The supplementary agreement states that if the U.S. deems, after 45 days from the joint declaration, that Mexico has still not sufficiently managed the illegal immigration crisis, “Mexico will take all necessary steps under domestic law to bring the agreement into force.” Additionally, the side agreement reveals that Mexico has left the door open to becoming a “safe third country,” an option their government had adamantly opposed before the start of the negations...MORE

You can read the one page document here.

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