Monday, June 10, 2019

(NM is finally #1 in something) The Mountain West’s top energy states saw nearly 3,000 oil and gas-related spills in 2018

As the Trump administration continues to spur oil and gas production, lands, waters, and communities around the West are feeling the impacts. A new analysis from the Center for Western Priorities pulls back the curtain on oil and gas-related spills in the West’s top oil-producing states: Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming. In 2018, these states reported a total of 2,834 spills, comprised of 230,696 barrels of material — amounting to an average of 2,694 gallons of crude oil and 17,015 gallons of produced water spilled every day. Over the past four to six years, spills increased slightly in Wyoming, decreased slightly in Colorado, and fluctuated significantly in New Mexico...MORE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch our new governor stick a fork in this.