Thursday, June 20, 2019

Republicans and a labor union work together to preserve wasteful Forest Service program

The Trump administration, under heavy pressure from Congress, will withdraw plans to end a U.S. Forest Service program that trains underprivileged youth, spokespersons for the Agriculture and Labor departments told POLITICO. The Job Corps Civilian Conservation Centers, a program within the Job Corps, trains low-income young people to to become first responders to natural disasters, to work on rural infrastructure projects, and to maintain national forests. The administration’s reversal on its shuttering the centers comes after significant pushback from lawmakers of both parties — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — and also from the union that represents USDA Forest Service employees...MORE

You will notice my headline is different from the POLITICO article and I believe is a more accurate description of the situation. I've had personal experience with this program which I wrote about here

Nice try Perdue.

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