Wednesday, June 19, 2019

VIDEO Border Patrol warns about criminals crossing into New Mexico

Violent criminals and convicted felons continue to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, according to officials with Customs and Border Protection. Agents told KOB 4 they detain about 1,000 immigrants a day in the El Paso sector which oversees all of New Mexico. Not all of them are seeking asylum. "Sexual offenders, murderers, people with active warrants throughout the United States and they try to conceal themselves within the group,” said Border Patrol agent George Gomez. In May, agents along the southern border detained more than 130,000 immigrants including families and unaccompanied children. “Initially, when we started seeing this influx several months ago… their narrative was they were here to seek asylum. Now that narrative is no longer true,” said Gomez. “Upon initial contact with these family groups they will tell you their reason for coming to the U.S. is to get a piece of the American apple pie, if you will,” he added...MORE

Here is the KOB TV Report

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