Sunday, July 14, 2019

Baxter Black: Good Dawg

Every genuine or would be cowboy’s pride and joy is his ‘good dawg!’ One of the highlights at a Stock Show is the stock dog trials.
Now, allowin’ for the fact that all my exposure to stock dogs in the past had been on workin’ cow outfits, I wasn’t prepared to see a dog that actually obeyed his master’s commands! It was quite a shock.
Accordin’ to the rules there were six classes of competition; three with cattle and three with sheep. They were divided into Advanced, Open and Started.
In the Advanced category the trainer could not cross a certain point in the arena. Using primarily voice commands, he instructed his dog to drive cattle through a series of gates, chutes and other obstacles. These dogs were a pleasure to watch. They were quick and quiet and like a good cutting horse, anticipated the critter’s moves. One of the best dogs was blind!
In the second category, the Open, they were a little less polished. The trainer was allowed to stay closer to the dog and used more hand signals and a louder voice. These dogs had moments of brilliance but, like any sophomore, occasionally they get a little too exuberant or stopped to check out the crowd.
The Starter category was a three-ring circus! Wally’s dog Ruby, looked like a cub bear on his first date! His hand signals reminded me of a shipwrecked sailor who’d just spotted the rescue plane. He used a lot of the same voice commands I’ve heard you ranchers use on your own dogs. Ruby had the attention span of a Bartlett pear. Matter of fact four minutes into her trial run she decided Wally could handle it by himself and left!

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