Thursday, July 11, 2019

Face the facts: Wolves and ranchers are here to stay

Mark Coats

As a rancher whose ranch was visited by the famous wolf OR-7, I think that it was more than just a chance encounter. You might hear a little “Twilight Zone” music in the background and stop reading as you think this is already out there. But the circumstances of reality do resemble something from that TV show. The wolf seems to have captured much of my time, heck, most of my time. I have met many people from the other side, ahh … the dark side. Actually where you stand determines which side is the dark side for you personally. The sides seem to me to be environmentalists versus ranchers. The wildlife service agencies must be the appointed referees. So any attended wolf event is like visiting a big time wrestling match. Both sides whirling their corners colors as the referees keep each side in check. The event is usually a lot of show, but no go. One might think, what about the wolf? Exactly! The fact of the matter is the wolf is here and so is the ranching community. The reality is a lot of people wish the other side would just go away. They actually focus on that achievement, much more than the welfare of any wildlife, livestock or the environment. The fact is the opposition to the other side is their actual goal...MORE

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