Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Gun Owners of America brief on bump stocks

"…the powers claimed by the agency in this case “threatens a complete undermining of the Constitution’s separation of powers.” This case has affected the owners of over a half million bump stocks and over $100 million of lawfully owned property. But that is just the tip of the iceberg as to why this case is important. Here, an agency has blatantly admitted that it is rewriting a federal statute to fulfill the political agenda of the executive branch. It has admitted that it cannot achieve the result it wants under the current law, and so it must be permitted to change the law. And it has asked the courts to go along with it. But when administrative agencies wield the unchecked powers of all three branches of government, the rule of law is undermined, and the most critical limiting principle to our republican form of government — the separation of powers is eroded."
The brief is embedded below, or you can view it here  


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