Saturday, July 20, 2019

Immigrants getting through in Borderland despite 'Remain in Mexico' policy

After recently seeing a slowdown in the flow of immigrants illegally entering through our borders, U.S. Border Patrol officials are now seeing a resurgence. It could be because immigrants are adapting, figuring out ways around the "Remain in Mexico" policies known as the Migrant Protection Protocols. "Yes we've heard a lot about crossing prevention, I think they call it, where they detain people, especially all the immigrants, keeping them from crossing over here." said Nora Valle from Honduras. Valle and her eight year old daughter, Genesis, surrendered to Border Patrol officials on Wednesday. They crossed in a section where no border barrier exists, and no barrier can go up there because of train tracks. Mother and daughter from Honduras, were able to evade Mexican military posted several yards apart throughout a section of the border commonly used by migrants. The heavy Mexican military presence is reminiscent of Border Patrol's "Operation Hold the Line" in 1993 where hundreds of agents were posted every 100-yards to stop illegal entry into El Paso. But Nora, her daughter and dozens of other immigrants made it passed Mexican military. Nora says, that's because smugglers, who they paid three thousand pesos, to get them to this point, tell them where and when to successfully cross. "People are telling us that at such place there are immigration officials, there's military holding people back, and where there's federal police." said Valle...MORE

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