Friday, July 19, 2019

Ranchers concerned over weaker cattle prices

North Dakota farmers have had a hard time catching a break this year, and now the ranchers are having issues as well. Despite numerous cattle losses across the Midwest, the cattle markets are weaker now than last year, making some wonder if they'll make enough money. Usually when crop prices are down, cattle prices are up. This year it's not running that way. Producers say something needs to change if they want to get those markets back. Every day the cows graze in the field, they get a little closer to their target weight for Wade Staigle to sell. But his haul won't be what it was a year ago. "Looks like a 600 pound calf will be anywhere from $1.45 to $1.55. $1.60 maybe which is roughly about $100 less per head versus a year ago,” said Staigle. If Staigle sells 400 calves at $100 less, he'll miss out on $40,000. He thought the market would've gone the other way after months of severe weather across the Midwest. "Between all those states, there was considerable death loss and it looked like there was going to be more of a positive note from our side as marketing cattle. But it doesn't appear the market will be there,” said Staigle. Adding more downward pressure is a United States Department of Agriculture report showing beef imports are up 6 percent, but handling of domestic beef is down 4 percent...MORE

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