Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Scientists flee USDA as research agencies move to Kansas City area

A Trump administration decision to move researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the Kansas City area is threatening to spark the flight of more than half of the staff selected to move, gutting the agency of its top scientific voices. Staff have until midnight Monday to decide whether to uproot and join the department as it moves its research branches from Washington, D.C., lured by $26 million in promised incentives from state and local officials. Critics see the move, set to be completed by Sept. 30, as yet another example of the Trump administration looking to sideline scientists and researchers, keeping them away from the corridors of power. Administration officials deny that, calling it a cost-saving move intended to have researchers closer to farmers. The move affects two wings of the USDA. Economic Research Service (ERS) employees analyze the agricultural market, but their research is much broader, including looking at food stamps, rural poverty and conservation. National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) employees work with universities to fund research and coordinate the process that issues research grants on agriculture-related subjects, including climate change adaptation...MORE 

Here we go again. These precious employees are "fleeing" as if from a monster. The move is "threatening" and will "spark the flight" of employees. Notice too it is more important to be close to "the corridors of power" than to the producers. 

The last I checked rural poverty occurs in rural areas, and so does conservation. 

Make no mistake, the real losers here are the lobbyists, who prefer everyone to be in a central location.

Somebody please whisper two important words to these folks: PRIVATE SECTOR!


Anonymous said...

Good! Let them all quit! They don't know science from dog turds.

Unknown said...

Thank you for tracking this. I am following myself, but appreciate the focus. Looks like Sonny won't cave, hopefully that plays out.