Thursday, July 11, 2019

Sen. Heinrich pushes for bill on carbon pollution fee (ha,ha...its a tax)

U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich testified before the Senate on Monday about what he called the global “climate crisis,” advocating for carbon pollution pricing legislation to reduce harmful emissions. Heinrich is a co-sponsor of the American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act, a bill that would charge coal, oil and natural gas companies a fee for every ton of carbon dioxide pollution they produce. Heinrich called the bill a “real and pragmatic solution” that would encourage companies to reduce their pollution. The carbon pollution fee would start at $52 a ton and increase 6% each year. The legislation would raise an estimated $2.3 trillion over 10 years. That money would be returned to states in the form of tax credits to help pay for a transition toward clean energy. Heinrich said the funds could also be used to train workers for new clean-energy jobs. Heinrich is also a member of the Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, which was formed earlier this year in response to what Democrats say is a refusal by Senate Republicans to acknowledge climate change...MORE

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