Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jon Meacham Anoints Al Gore a 'Prophetic Voice' on Environment

Jon Meacham got one thing right. On Thursday's Morning Joe, he said that the heads of any conservatives listening to him would blow up over their Wheaties. What was Meacham's remark that was so explosive for any right-thinking listener? His prediction that someday, we'll look back and realize that Al Gore was . . . "a prophetic voice" about the environment. Meacham glorified Gore in the context of commenting on the withdrawal from the presidential race of Jay Inslee. Inslee's campaign was focused entirely on impending environmental doom. Note how Meacham moved the goalposts way, way back to make Gore look better. As we well remember, in 2006 Gore claimed that within 10 years, i.e., 2016, it would be "impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet’s habitability for human civilization." That led to Rush Limbaugh's famous Al Gore Doomsday Countdown Clock. Here's the full exchange:..MORE

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