Monday, August 26, 2019

Lee Pitts: Forecast For The Weekend

Monday through Friday if you were to ask me what day of the week it is there’s a 50 percent chance I’d guess wrong. My biological clock simply doesn’t do weekdays. One day is as good, or bad, as another. Even though I haven’t been back to school in 45 years I’ve always associated weekdays with school and homework. Nothing fun ever happened in the middle of the week so, like most people in America, I live for the weekends.
I’ve always associated Saturday with good food. For 40 years if it was Saturday I was chowing down on barbecue at a cattle, horse or charity auction somewhere in America. My fondness for Saturdays goes all the way back to my elementary school days when Friday was beans and cornbread, or fish day, in the school cafeteria because the Catholic kids couldn’t eat meat. As all us Methodist kids dined on brick-hard cornbread, slimy beans, and cartilage-filled composite fish that tasted worse than the garden snail my brother dared me into eating, we almost started a religious war, such was our hatred for Catholic cuisine.
As a result of being undernourished on Famine Fridays, I was always hungry when Saturday rolled around. It was also my best shot at getting a bowl full of the delicious homemade ice cream Uncle Charles made.
Because I always worked weekends, to deaden the pain of not being in my scintillating company, my wife worked for 30 years as a checker in a grocery store. You’d be surprised how good a pain-deadener time-and-a half-pay on Sundays can be. But for me, Sunday was never really profitable because it’s the day I wrote my column and the day I rode the ranch looking for problems. My forecast for the weekend was always a 90% chance of hard work with a 10% chance of getting paid for it.

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