Friday, August 02, 2019

National Rifle Association Board Members Resign In Protest

The infighting at the National Rifle Association continued Thursday as three board members who had previously asked the gun-rights group to audit its financial and legal activity resigned. Esther Schneider, Sean Maloney and Timothy Knight all tendered resignations from their board positions by letter to NRA President Carolyn Meadows. “While our belief in the NRA’s mission remains as strong today as ever, our confidence in the NRA’s leadership has been shattered, ” they wrote. “We have sought information and requested certain actions be taken with respect to these allegations, only to be rebuffed at every turn,” the letter continued. “We have been stonewalled, accused of disloyalty, stripped of committee assignments and denied effective counsel necessary to properly discharge our responsibilities as Board members,” they added. “The NRA accepts these resignation,” President Carolyn Meadows told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We look forward to working with our new board members in furthering our mobile mission of protecting our Second Amendment rights,” she added, referring to the next three candidates in line for board positions, who have not yet been named...MORE

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